Pink Sky Tomatoes
Pink Sky tomatoes: Agricultural products grown in a greenhouse.
General Characteristics: Tomatoes are rich in nutrients and nutrients. The caloric content (energy value) of ripe fruits is 19 kcal. It contains 4-8% dry matter, the main part of which is carbohydrates (glucose and fructose). Fruits also contain proteins (0.6-1.1%), organic acids (0.5%), connective tissue (0.84%), pectin substances (up to 0.3%), starch (0.07- 0.3%), minerals (0.6%). It is noteworthy that tomatoes contain a large amount of lycopene, various vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, vitamin C, provitamin A).
Choline reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, has a positive effect on the immune system and the formation of hemoglobin. The content of trace elements in 1 kg of fruit: sodium - 40 mg, potassium - 2680 mg, calcium - 110 mg, magnesium - 120 mg, iron - 6 mg, copper - 0.97 mg, phosphorus - 270 mg, sulfur - 140 mg, chlorine - 400 mg, manganese - 1.89 m Features: By color.
The highest grade has a natural taste, tomatoes are harvested and sorted by hand, so all our products consist only of selected and ripe tomatoes. thus, we get a product that has a really attractive presentation.
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