Peanuts in shell.2 grade
Peanuts in shell.2 grade
Peanuts contain a unique amount of antioxidants and fiber. These are substances that nutritionists often forget about, equating them with ballast food. And in vain, because fiber is necessary for healthy digestion, and antioxidants rejuvenate the skin and help prevent cancer and heart disease.
Peanuts will also be useful for those who are actively striving to lose weight, because they are able to quickly cope with hunger. The proteins contained in peanuts are characterized by an ideal ratio of amino acids, and fiber helps to remove toxins from the body.
Other useful properties also lie in the fact that, thanks to its unique composition, it improves memory, attention and hearing, strengthens the nervous system, increases potency, rejuvenates the skin, is useful for gastritis, helps with insomnia, normalizes liver function, and also lowers cholesterol.
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