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17 500 UZS
Black raisins from Uzbekistan are the record holder among other varieties of dried grapes in terms of the content of useful substances. Careful attitude to berries during harvesting and drying allows you to reveal all its rich taste in raisins and maintain an attractive appearance without the...
In stock
11 250 UZS
Mash (or mung beans) is a plant of the Legume family, genus Vigna. It is considered the oldest legume crop, which began its conquest of the world from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Now mash is known in many countries, it is especially often used in the national Asian cuisine. Mash is, first...
In stock
27 500 UZS
Prunes of the 1st grade. Description: — this is a dried fruit made from prune cream. It contains beta-carotene, a large amount of vitamins (E, PP, C, group B), micro- and elements (iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, cobalt, iodine, zinc, fluorine, manganese, copper). )...
In stock
26 250 UZS
Useful properties of golden raisins Like many other dried fruits, raisins contain large amounts of glucose and fructose. This makes it indispensable for athletes, bodybuilders and those who spend a lot of energy every day. Vitamins, amino acids and minerals (for example, selenium and phosphorus)...
In stock
23 750 UZS
Origin: Uzbekistan; Color: Light Red; Product quality: Type of cultivation: Normal; Processing type: on new Turkish equipment; Size: 6,0/7,0/8,0 mm and above; Humidity: no more than 14%; Impurities: no more than 1%; Imperfect: no more than 2%; Drying type: Sun-dried; Packing: 50/25 kg...
In stock
71 250 UZS
Walnut light peeled. Walnut is, perhaps, one of the most widely known and favorite delicacies. It is used as a main ingredient in many cuisines of the world and, thanks to its benefits, has won many fans. Everyone has been told since childhood how indispensable it is for health. But this nut...
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30 000 UZS
Description: Rosehip. Dried rosehip is used to make compotes, jelly, brewed into tea, make rosehip infusion, decoctions. To enhance the taste, crushed berries are added to the first and second dishes, sauces and purees. Variety:Upper. Minimum order:5000 kg. Types of packages:bags of...
In stock
17 500 UZS
Description: Dried apples. Apples are considered one of the most popular fruits for their taste, accessibility, and benefits. Dried apples are one of the ways to prepare a natural product for the future. Fruits are easy to dry, retain the composition and aroma of fresh apples, are well...
In stock
40 000 UZS
Black Raisin Hybrid Black raisins from Uzbekistan are the record holder among other varieties of dried grapes in terms of the content of useful substances. Careful attitude to berries during harvesting and drying allows you to reveal all its rich taste in raisins and maintain an attractive...
In stock
33 750 UZS
Black raisins Hybrid grade 2 Black raisins from Uzbekistan are the record holder among other varieties of dried grapes in terms of the content of useful substances. Careful attitude to berries during harvesting and drying allows you to reveal all its rich taste in raisins and maintain an...
In stock
30 000 UZS
Yellow raisins 1 grade Useful properties of golden raisins Like many other dried fruits, raisins contain large amounts of glucose and fructose. This makes it indispensable for athletes, bodybuilders and those who spend a lot of energy every day. Vitamins, amino acids and minerals (for...
In stock
75 000 UZS
NOVAGUMIN Humic paste - Natural organic preparation - Improves the composition and structure of the soil - Activates the process of assimilation of nutrient elements - Improves plant growth and fertility - Neutralizes nitrates Features Humic paste is a universal preparation for stimulating the...
ELLESMERE A COMPLEX OF CHELATED TRACE ELEMENTS AND AMINO ACIDS    Ellesmere A Complex of chelated trace elements and amino acids - Improves photosynthesis and stimulates the root system; - Increases the resistance of the plant in abnormal weather; - Against the loss of cotton pods; Volume 1l....
Elsmik B is a complex of chelated trace elements and amino acids Complex of chelated trace elements and amino acids - Strengthens the stems of grain crops - Improves plant growth and fertility - Increases the plant's resistance to fungi and infections   Volume : 1L Description: Elsmik B...
Elsmik C is a complex of chelated trace elements and amino acids Complex of chelated trace elements and amino acids - Universal preparation of pre-sowing treatment - For processing all kinds of seeds - Improves plant growth and fertility - Increases the energy and intensity of seed...
NOVAAMMOFOS PHOSPHORIC LIQUID FERTILIZER FOR LEAF DRESSING NOVAAMMOFOS Phosphoric liquid fertilizer For leaf dressing Contains: N-12%, P-22%, Cu EDTA -Natural liquid fertilizer -Helps to accumulate carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins -Improves plant growth and fertility -Neutralizes nitrates...
In stock
95 000 UZS
Mineral Chelate additive  A new generation of feed additives for livestock Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Camels (meat and dairy directions) , Ostriches. Increasing daily milk production, improving fertility indicators, ideal weight gain, increasing the level of health and animal health, reducing...
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475 000 UZS 437 500 UZS
Гуминовое удобрение усиленное микроэлементами. Биоактивированная по молекулярному весу (БМВ) гуминовая кислота – это свободная лабильная форма, которая быстро проникает в растение, активно включаясь в обменные процессы. Комплексное питание всех с/х культур в виде корневых и внекорневых...
In stock
475 000 UZS
Биоприлипатель для повышения эффективности и экономии применяемых СЗР, регуляторов роста и водорастворимых удобрений при предпосевной обработке и в период вегетации сельскохозяйственных культур Преимущества: Образует на поверхности листа и семени полимерную пленку-сетку, которая...
In stock
281 250 UZS
Мощный природный антистрессовый препарат, помогает при засухе, заморозках, похолодании, при посадке, пересадке и других неблагоприятных условиях роста. Природное биоактивированное по микроэлементному и молекулярному составу гумусное вещество. Преимущества: Экономичен – упаковки хватает на...
Биофунгицид, в основе которого – полезные фитобактерии в споровой форме, проникающие в ткани растений и вырабатывающие биологически активные вещества для их защиты и стимуляции. Защищает от гнилей, парши, черной ножки, фузариоза, фитофтороза, фомоза, серой гнили, ризоктониоза, альтернариоза,...
In stock
27 500 UZS
Soft milk chocolate 15%, 330 g Soft milk chocolate is a MILK chocolate paste. It is an innovative product that meets the same needs as chocolate paste. There is a classic taste and pasta with hazelnuts. Soft caramel on cream is a contrasting combination of salty and sweet, and a hint of...
Country of originRussia ВкусОригинальный
In stock
15 500 UZS
Whole condensed milk with 8.5% sugar, 270 g Condensed milk "Cow from Korenovka" is a delicacy loved by everyone since childhood, real, thick and delicious, made from "live" Kuban milk! There is a classic taste, boiled condensed milk and cocoa. There is also an unusual product - condensed...
Country of originRussia ВкусСливки
In stock
14 625 UZS
Whole condensed milk with 8.5% sugar, 360 g Condensed milk "Cow from Korenovka" is a delicacy loved by everyone since childhood, real, thick and delicious, made from "live" Kuban milk! The minimum order is 3000 packages.
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