Electrocardiograph 3-channel SE-3
SE-3 - 3- x-channel electrocardiograph simultaneously registers ECG signals from 12 leads and displays the working menu, ECG parameters, as well as electrocardiograms.
ECG signals can be viewed on the LCD screen and printed on a thermal printer. The SE-3 electrocardiograph has a black-and-white screen in configuration A, and a color screen in configuration B.
The SE-3 electrocardiograph can work both from the mains and from the built-in rechargeable lithium battery. Each model is available in two versions: basic type and network type. The latter type supports the function of data transmission over the network.
AUTO, MANUAL, Off modes. AuthOrit., Off. Rhythm. and R-R can be selected optionally. It is possible to detect a pacemaker if there is an additional fee. The results of automatic measurements and interpretation conclusions are offered to doctors only as a reference. The cardiograph can be used in clinics and hospitals.
Country of Origin: China.
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