Galvanized rolled and sheet steel (Uzbekistan)
Galvanized rolled and sheet steel.
This standard applies to sheet and rolled cold-rolled steel, hot-dip galvanized by continuous galvanizing, intended for cold profiling, for painting, for the manufacture of stamped parts, tableware, containers and other metal products. The technical level indicators established by this standard meet the requirements of the highest and first quality category. Due to such advantages as affordable cost, durability and ease of use, the sheets are in great demand and popularity.
Galvanized steel sheets are made of high-quality material and comply with all technical requirements and GOST standards.
Made in Uzbekistan.
Price:It is indicated for 1 ton.
Number of sq. m.meters in 1 ton of coated galvanized steel: 85.16 m .
Weight of 1 sq.meter:11.74 kg.
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