Turbo Market
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How can I become a seller on the platform?

In order to become a seller on our platform you need to do a few simple steps:

Register and activate your account:

To register and activate your account you will need to follow the link https://turbo.market/ and click on the icon personal account/authorization and fill in the required data.

Create your store and catalog of products/services

To create your own store, you need to go to link and go to the sellers tab → create and fill out

To create your own catalog of goods and services, you need to go to link and go to the products tab → create and fill out.

What documents are required to register on the platform as a seller?

Last name of the manager: Last name of the head of the company or firm

Company name: only in Latin letters and without unnecessary ones characters. This name will be visible to customers who want to buy your product.

Representative telephone number: employee telephone number, who is always in touch with the Trading Platform.

Additional phone number: if the attached employee has an additional number.

Email: Company postal address

Company website:

TIN: This information will be necessary for the conclusion agreement with you


Address: Company location address or manufacturing enterprise.

Postal Code:

Bank name:

BIK Bank identification code:

MFI Inter-branch turnover:

Bank account number (USD, $):

Bank account number (EUR, €):

Bank account number (CNY, ¥):

Bank account number (RUB, ₽):

Bank account number (sum, sum):

Company Description: Thishelps customers learn more about your company. Company logo: Image size is not must be large and must be in .jpg or .png format.

Can individuals become sellers on the marketplace?

Individuals can register on the platform and trade only in cases where an individual purchases goods in the wholesale section platforms and sells in the retail section.

Individuals cannot conduct trading activities on the platform by selling products in the retail section that were not purchased in the wholesale section of the marketplace itself.

On what terms do mutual settlements with the marketplace take place?

Mutual settlements with the marketplace are made in accordance with the service agreement services considered and prepared on an individual basis.

The seller, regardless of which part of the platform he belongs to (wholesale/retail) undertakes to pay the marketplace a remuneration deducted from each transaction/amount of goods sold.

In cases of untimely payment of remuneration, the marketplace has the right to withhold a certain amount from the amount of subsequent sales without notification of this seller.

Are marketplace trading services paid and how to apply for them? receiving?

Trading services are additional commercial services of the marketplace and are provided for a fee in accordance with the contract and cannot be included in the cost of remuneration paid by the seller to the marketplace.

An authorized seller can apply for trading services wholesale section by clicking on the link to the trading services you are interested in and submit application at the end of the page.

What role does the marketplace play in concluding international agreements?

The marketplace acts as an intermediary in concluding purchase agreements sales in the international B2B arena.

The Marketplace provides its international export-import electronic trading platform for all manufacturers, retailers, suppliers and everyone companies wishing to expand their opportunities to promote their products and services.

The marketplace can provide partial prepayment services for goods upon export and import and can protrusion be a guarantor of payment when participating in an agreement letter of credit

The marketplace acts as an intermediary in any of the purchase agreements sales (constant) and all agreements and negotiations between the parties to the purchase sales take place with the participation of the marketplace.

Who is responsible for goods of poor quality?

Responsibility for goods of inadequate quality lies entirely with on the shoulders of the seller/supplier.

The seller/supplier bears full responsibility for the goods displayed on marketplace showcase. The Marketplace is not the responsible party in cases if the product does not correspond to the characteristics and description that were indicated Online.

Return and exchange of goods?

Returns and exchanges of goods are possible only if the product is of this manufacturer/supplier was purchased on the marketplace.

The rules for returning and exchanging goods can be found at link.

Blocking of sellers/suppliers and goods by the marketplace?

The Marketplace, as the owner of the trading platform, has the right to block sellers/suppliers due to the inaccuracy of the information entered seller/company data provider.

The Marketplace also has the right to block sellers/suppliers when detection of suspicious actions that violate the rules of use marketplace.

The Marketplace has the right to refuse to allow the goods of the seller/supplier to pass through moderation process by providing an explanation to the seller/supplier in his personal account or notification via email.

The marketplace moderation system does not allow dubious products to pass through origin and violating the laws of the country of publication.

Using the seller’s personal account?

The seller's personal account is a confidential page seller/supplier, where the seller/supplier maintains full monitoring activities of your online store on the territory of the electronic platform.

Login and password are also confidential information, and The seller/supplier bears full responsibility when transmitting this information to third parties. All actions performed on the seller's page by authorized by the user, regardless of whether the seller himself or his authorized representative are accepted by the marketplace as acceptable.< br />The seller/supplier bears full responsibility for the safety of your login and password.

In cases of loss of authorization data or suspicion that the data has been taken over third parties without the knowledge of the seller/supplier, data owners are obliged to immediately inform the marketplace about this incident.

The seller/supplier is obliged to promptly check notifications in his personal account and in the email specified when registering on the site.
All notifications sent to your personal account and duplicated by email.
In cases where the seller/supplier missed the deadline without checking his personal account and email For certain cases, the marketplace will follow the protocol and count the answer in the manner provided for in the terms of use of the marketplace.

Is it possible to operate simultaneously in the wholesale and retail sections?

It is possible to operate on both sections of the platform. This requires select the appropriate option when registering a company or you should contact to the marketplace support service.