SOBSILEX Silicone Facade Paint
SOBSILEX Silicone Facade Paint is a high-quality exterior paint based on acrylic copolymer and silicone additive. It is resistant to the destructive effects of rain, moisture, sunlight, pollution. Has a slight odor. Dries quickly, does not fade. Allows the painted surfaces to breathe, lets moisture out. Not harmful to health.
Scope of application: Used to cover all types of exterior surfaces. It can be used on all types of walls, wood and metal coatings. If necessary, it can be used in the interior of buildings.
Instructions for use Before applying Sobsilex paint, remove grease, dust, dirt and all places that prevent the coating from being applied. Apply Sobsilex prim primer. If necessary, you can align the pores and cracks with Sobexpas putty. For the first layer, 4 volumes of paint are diluted with 2 volumes of water, for the second layer, 4 volumes of paint are diluted with 1 volume of water and applied with a brush or roller at intervals of 1 hour.
The temperature of the painted surface must be at least + 50 C and relative humidity not exceeding 80%. For fresh cemented surfaces, it is necessary to wait 21 days (at 20 ° C) for complete drying. Consumption: 9-11 m2/l or 150-175 g/m2
Drying time: (at 25 ° C) to the touch - 1-2 hours, hardens - 24 hours Storage Store in a closed original container at a temperature not lower than 0 ° C and not higher than + 35 ° C. Avoid direct sunlight. Protect from freezing.
Shelf life: 2 years.
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