Cylindrical spalt sieves
Cylindrical spalt sieves
Cylindrical spalt sieves are industrial sieves, products whose purpose is: screening, separation, filtration and purification of various materials used in various fields of production.
This technology is specifically designed to solve the problems of filtration, separation, collection and distribution of flows, reducing flow resistance and clogging of elements.
Grates in the form of cylinders are used to filter liquid media from mechanical impurities and solid inclusions, which adversely affect the flow of the technological process and the equipment itself. Flat screens - mainly used for separation, classification and grinding.
The sieves have a robust design, high accuracy of axial and radial slots in a cylindrical version, as well as a smooth outer or inner working surface, and a calibrated (profiled) stainless steel wire eliminates corrosion.
price from $45 to $8300 negotiable
Scope of application
Welded sleeper screens are widely used in coal, chemical, oil and gas, food industries, as well as in industrial and civil construction and road construction. They are used in devices such as:
• Screens;
• slotted baskets;
• Oil traps;
• Sorting equipment;
• Centrifuges;
• Separators, etc
Design features
Welded sieves are a rigid frame manufactured using modern welded equipment. The material of manufacture is a profiled triangular wire of high-precision cross-sectional geometry made of stainless steel grade 12X18H10T. It has high technical characteristics, among them - high acid resistance and heat resistance. In production, resistance electric welding technology is used, which makes it possible to obtain very accurate gap sizes. These products have high strength characteristics and can withstand significant loads during operation. Anti-corrosion properties allow them to be used in aggressive environments.
Operating principle:
The raw material passes through the slots of the sieve by gravity or under pressure from the side of the smooth filtering surface, while mechanical impurities or impurities with particle sizes larger than the flow area are captured and remain on the sieve surface. During operation, impurities accumulate on the working surface of the slotted sieve. To remove them from the surface and clean the sieve, periodic rinsing of the sieve is necessary. Flushing is carried out in the opposite direction of filtration, or cleaning is done manually. When washing the sieve in the opposite direction, the slits of the sieve work like nozzles, which enhances the washing effect. And thanks to the use of a special profiled wire in the design of the sieve, the possibility of clogging the filter surface and sieve slots with contaminants is excluded.
Operational advantages of spalt screens over round and square screens:
• Ensuring minimum hydraulic resistance;
• Significant reduction in clogging of the filter surface: particles come into contact with it only at two points of the triangular profile;
• Profiled wire screen provides ideal conditions for backwashing;
• Uniform distribution of the flow of the filtered medium in the zone of contact with the filter element;
• The appearance of stagnant zones in distribution devices is excluded;
• Tight slot size tolerance and high fit accuracy;
• High wear resistance and structural rigidity.
• Withstand large pressure drops and high loads due to the rigidity of the structure. The increased number of supporting elements makes the structure very strong both in axial and radial directions;
• They have a large area of slotted grating;
• The working surface is even and smooth;
• Can be used for a long time, as they have a low percentage of grating surface abrasion;
• Provide uniform distribution of the working material over the entire surface;
• Show high heat resistance and corrosion resistance;
• They have low grating clogging, so they do not have kinks in the triangular wire, which makes it possible to self-clean the surface;
• Have high productivity.
These advantages make welded filter structures an advantageous choice over conventional wire meshes or perforated sheets. They work perfectly in both static and dynamic systems and provide reliable operation even in difficult aggressive environments. The high strength of this type of equipment leads to a reduction in the cost of its repair and maintenance.
The sieves are manufactured with the following characteristics:
• Cell size - from 0.20 mm to 4.0 mm;
• Sieve diameter - from 600mm to 1200mm;
• Slit screen gap - 500-800 microns (0.5-0.8mm)
• The area of the slotted sieve is from 2 to 6 m2.
The screens of our production are distinguished by the accuracy of the mesh width, an absolutely smooth working surface, high wear and corrosion resistance, as well as a long working life.
Sleeper screens manufactured by NAVPROMLITMASH LLC are:
• ideally even and smooth surface;
• minimum hydraulic resistance;
• uniform distribution of filtered flow;
• high precision of execution;
• ability to carry high loads;
• high accuracy of width of slotted openings;
• rigidity of the structure;
• high efficiency in the implementation of processes (dehydration and separation);
• low susceptibility to clogging of the filter surface;
• cell size stability during operation;
• high coefficient of open section;
• long service life;
• the absence of kinks and edges in the areas of resistance welding eliminates the possibility of corrosion during long-term operation.
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