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Products of the Russian Federation

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125 000 UZS
Jacket with zipper The lineup Assorted colors sewing and knitwear in assortment, marked, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box; assortment of denim products, labeled, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box. Minimum order quantity:...
In stock
87 500 UZS
o Women's pajamas Equipment: trousers, sweatshirt pants, t-shirt shorts T-shirt Composition: 100% cotton; 92% cotton, 8% elastane sewing and knitwear in assortment, marked, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box; assortment of denim products, labeled,...
In stock
36 250 UZS
Clothes for newborns: Rompers $1.6 Undershirts $1.8 Jumpsuits $2.9 Body 2$    Composition: 100% cotton sewing and knitwear in assortment, marked, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box;   assortment of denim products, labeled, packed in an individual plastic bag,...
In stock
48 750 UZS
Girls' dress Composition: 92% cotton, 8% elastane sewing and knitwear in assortment, marked, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box;  assortment of denim products, labeled, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box.
In stock
38 750 UZS
Sweatshirt for girls  Composition: 92% cotton, 8% elastane. sewing and knitwear in assortment, marked, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box; assortment of denim products, labeled, packed in an individual plastic bag, placed in a corrugated box.
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27 875 UZS
Muesli with Nuts and Apple After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Cooking method Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 7.0 g; carbohydrates – 59 g; fats – 13 g. Nutritional and energy value Energy value:...
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27 875 UZS
Cooking method After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Nutritional and energy value Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 7.0 g, carbohydrates – 62 g, fats – 13 g. Energy value: 390 kcal / 1660 kJ....
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28 000 UZS
Muesli with Blackberries and Raspberries After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Cooking method Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 7.5 g; carbohydrates – 62 g; fats – 13 g. Nutritional and energy value...
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28 125 UZS
Muesli Nut mix Cooking method After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Nutritional and energy value Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 8.0 g, carbohydrates – 59 g, fats – 15 g. Energy value: 410 kcal / 1720...
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28 125 UZS
Мюсли Шоколадное ассорти Способ приготовления После вскрытия упаковки мюсли готовы к употреблению. По желанию добавить молоко, йогурт, сок. Пищевая ценность в 100 г сухого продукта:  белки – 7,5 г; углеводы – 62 г; жиры – 13 г. Питательная и энергетическая ценность...
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28 125 UZS
Muesli Strawberries and white chocolate After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Cooking method Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 8 g; carbohydrates – 61 g; fats – 13 g. Nutritional and energy value Energy value:...
On backorder
28 125 UZS
After opening the package, the muesli is ready for use. If desired, add milk, yogurt, juice. Cooking method Nutritional value per 100 g of dry product: proteins – 8 g; carbohydrates – 60 g; fats – 13 g. Nutritional and energy value Energy value: 390 kcal / 1630 kJ. Grain products (oat...
Peanuts in a crispy crust. Taste:Sour cream and onion. The rich taste of green onions with creamy notes of delicate sour cream will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmets.Having once tasted these nuts in a crispy crust, you will never be able to forget their gently creamy...
Country of originRussia TasteSmetana and onion
Peanuts in a crispy crust. Taste:Mix (wasabi, bacon, cheese). For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of the most popular flavors: Wasabi, Cheese, Bacon in one package. The rich taste of spicy wasabi, tender cheese and bright bacon combined with roasted...
Peanuts in a crispy crust. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 60 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. The price is for 1 pack.
Country of originRussia TasteSmetana and onion
Peanuts in a crispy crust. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 110 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. The price is for 1 pack.
In stock
4 125 UZS
Peanut. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In the packaging of 50 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. The price is for 1 pack.
In stock
10 875 UZS
Peanut. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 150 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. The price is for 1 pack.
Country of originRussia TasteBarbecue
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Peanuts in a crispy crust. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 1000 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. Prices vary.
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Peanut. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and roasted peanuts. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 1000 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. Prices vary.
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Fried seeds. For those who take the Most out of life - Crunch Nut MIX. A combination of a delicate crispy crust with different flavors and fried seeds. A large assortment of flavors. In a package of 1000 gr. Minimum order:20000 kg. Prices vary depending on the volume
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475 000 UZS 437 500 UZS
Гуминовое удобрение усиленное микроэлементами. Биоактивированная по молекулярному весу (БМВ) гуминовая кислота – это свободная лабильная форма, которая быстро проникает в растение, активно включаясь в обменные процессы. Комплексное питание всех с/х культур в виде корневых и внекорневых...
In stock
475 000 UZS
Биоприлипатель для повышения эффективности и экономии применяемых СЗР, регуляторов роста и водорастворимых удобрений при предпосевной обработке и в период вегетации сельскохозяйственных культур Преимущества: Образует на поверхности листа и семени полимерную пленку-сетку, которая...
In stock
281 250 UZS
Мощный природный антистрессовый препарат, помогает при засухе, заморозках, похолодании, при посадке, пересадке и других неблагоприятных условиях роста. Природное биоактивированное по микроэлементному и молекулярному составу гумусное вещество. Преимущества: Экономичен – упаковки хватает на...
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