Isuzu le 60 city bus
Engine type: Diesel
Drive type: Rear
Gross Vehicle Weight, kg: 10,200
Fuel Tank Capacity, L: 140
Number of seats: 56 (25/1)
Length: 8,065
Width: 2 470
Height: 2,750
Wheelbase: 4 540
Number of cylinders: 4 in line
Compression ratio: 17.3:1
Working volume, cm³: 4500
Maximum power kWhp (rpm): 136/190 (2500)
Maximum torque, Nm (min): 550 (1,700)
Existence of anti-lock braking system (ABS): Available
Tires: Single front, dual rear
Transmission: Allison 2100 automatic
Number of gearboxes: 5
A city bus is a public transport designed to transport passengers in the city.
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