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12 750 UZS
Grapes "Husseini"   Description “Husaini” white is a high-quality table and drying grape variety of Central Asian origin. Yellowish-green or yellowish-pink, oblong, translucent, thin-skinned large grapes with delicious juicy, very sweet and crispy flesh are popularly known as...
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18 750 UZS
Pomegranate "Kizil-Anor" is a popular variety with medium-sized fruits, but with rather large grains. Good both fresh and in the form of juice. Pomegranate tannins are active against tuberculosis, dysentery and Escherichia coli, and is also considered a disinfectant. The substance tannin, which...
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22 500 UZS
Гранат «Акдона» — популярный сорт с некрупными плодами, но с довольно крупными зернами. Хорош как в свежем виде, так и в виде сока. Танины граната активны в отношении туберкулеза, дизентерии и кишечной палочки, а также считаются дезинфицирующим средством. Вещество танин, входящее в...
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18 750 UZS
The fruits are large, mass 250–350 g. In certain years, one pear can reach 700 g. The shape of the fruit is pear-shaped, the skin is dense, bumpy, of a delicate golden pink color with an owl blush in the sun. The pulp is yellowish in color, juicy, fine-grained, sweet and nutmeg flavored.
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25 000 UZS
The fruit is very large, flat, wide at the bottom and without a neck. The opening of the flower is very deep. The surface is wavy, the skin is thin, stainless, yellow-green in color and sometimes the sides turn red-pink under the sun.
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25 000 UZS
Pears are quite large, the length can reach 20 cm, the diameter in the widest part is 8 cm. The weight is 180 — 250 grams. The skin is thin, but strong, dry to the touch, slightly rough, weak-souled. The main color during the period of removable ripeness is greenish-yellow, during the period of...
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22 500 UZS
Granny Smith apple has large fruits, often reaching 300 grams in weight, rounded shape, with a glossy peel of bright green color. Sometimes half of an apple can be colored yellow-green or reddish, depending on the brightness of the sun. Granny Smith apple has a firm and juicy flesh of...
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22 875 UZS
Description: Any Asian healer will tell you what unabi is — the "breast berry" is so popular in folk and traditional medicine of China and Central Asia. In terms of the number of names, the fruits are ahead of all their counterparts, they are called "jujuba", "ziziphus", "Chinese date",...
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11 000 UZS
Description: Fruits of exceptional marketability. They are large, weighing about 200 grams, have a regular rounded shape. The surface is smooth, the skin is dense. The main color of apples is yellow-green, but it is almost invisible under the bright red-crimson blush spread throughout the...
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62 500 UZS
Type of treatment: shadow drying Humidity: from 14% to 20% Ponytail: 100% Quantity per 100 g: from 350 to 400 pcs Type of packaging: 5 - 10 kg box or at the request of the customer The price is for 1 kg
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28 750 UZS
Red pomegranate is an early—ripening variety. The fruits are round-flat, large, the skin is thin, the grains are medium, dark red in color. Cornel-anor pomegranate is characterized by medium-sized fruits with a dense, orange-red peel, which reliably protects the seed chamber from external...
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18 500 UZS
Apricots, varieties "Lola" - this variety is distinguished by powerful, strong-growing trees with a slightly pyramidal crown. Trees begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. Apricots of this variety have a greenish-cream skin with a dark red blush almost over the entire surface of the fruit....
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18 500 UZS
Apricots, varieties "Lola" - this variety is distinguished by powerful, strong-growing trees with a slightly pyramidal crown. Trees begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. Apricots of this variety have a greenish-cream skin with a dark red blush almost over the entire surface of the fruit....
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10 750 UZS
Nectarine is a peach hybrid with smooth skin. In color, due to the absence of a velvety down, nectarines seem brighter and more ripe than peaches. China is considered the birthplace of nectarine. There is an opinion that nectarine is a hybrid of peach and plum, but in fact this fruit is the...
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13 750 UZS
Kishmish is a seedless grape variety of the middle ripening period. It is widespread in the republics of Central Asia. The berries are large, oval, amber in color with a light brown tan on the sunny side, covered with a strong coating. The skin is strong. The flesh is dense and crispy. When...
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11 375 UZS
Natural and delicious multivitamin Toifa grapes produced in Uzbekistan. Regular consumption of berries in food fills the body with a large amount of vitamins that are useful for immunity, vision, and the nervous system. Packaging: in plastic boxes The price is for 1 kg.
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12 500 UZS
Husaine white is a high-quality table grape variety of the middle ripening period. The leaves are medium-sized, rounded, three-, five-lobed, medium-dissected, with raised edges, with sparse bristly pubescence from below. The berries are very large, elongated, cylindrical, yellowish-green,...
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9 500 UZS
Persimmon "Korolek", also known by the names "Chocolate pudding" and "Black Apple", is a berry that ripens on a tree similar to a cherry. The fruits of this variety are small, smooth, with juicy flesh of chocolate color and taste. Very sweet, strong and do not knit at all. Persimmon is...
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20 250 UZS
Description: Peach Peach contains a lot of useful vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Peach is a necessary component in the human diet.  Grade: tulip N 1  Packing: 8 kg plastic box. Caliber: 40-45 Ripening period: July-August. Minimum order: 40 tons.
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20 250 UZS
Description: Peach Peach contains a lot of useful vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Peach is a necessary component in the human diet.  Grade: tulip N 2 Packing: 8 kg plastic box. Caliber: 40-45 Ripening period: August-September. Minimum order: 40 tons.
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16 500 UZS
Description: Pomegranate. Pomegranate is rich in vitamins C, B6, B12, P and trace elements: iodine, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus. Its grains are useful for the cardiovascular system and increase immunity. 100 g of pomegranate contains 70 kcal.  Grade:...
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28 125 UZS
Description: Lemon. The fruits of the Meyer lemon are yellower and rounder than the fruits of a regular lemon. The zest is fragrant and thin, dark yellow in color, a slight orange tint appears when ripe. Meyer lemon fruits have a sweeter, less sour taste than lemon fruits.  Grade: Meyer....
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19 500 UZS
Description: Melon Melon contains many useful vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Melon is an essential component in the human diet.  Grade: Airport Packing: corrugated box 17.5 kg. Caliber: from 3 kg to 4 kg of fruit  Ripening period: June-July. Minimum order: 40 tons.
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17 250 UZS
Description: Watermelon. Watermelon is useful because it normalizes digestion, reduces the caloric content of the diet, removes toxins and toxins, reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease, improves metabolism and skin condition, has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys,...
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